Secret Level
Prime Video
Season 1 Episode 2
Sifu: It Takes A Life
Based on the indie tribute to classic kung-fu films. A young martial artist bent on revenge learns the true cost of his obsession

The next installment of Secret Level is definitely the most video game like in its story, action and execution. It’s another story where its immediacy is apparent, but there are elements within the narrative that are straight out of a video game, especially the charm the character wears on his belt and what happens with it throughout the course of his battle.

The action is visually thrilling throughout, but it does sacrifice story for the sake of visual spectacle. This short is only about nine minutes and none of them seem wasted, but I never got a sense of the character or why I should be invested in his journey. The short moment into his past was wonderfully done by showing it in a different animation style, but the game is not one that I know well so this short would have benefited by having a longer story to engage the viewer.

Visually, the short is stunning. I love the animation style and the action was beautifully fluid. I like the framing of the episode a lot with the visit to the food stand, but I still don’t get much of a sense of who this character is and what drives him beyond his revenge plot. It seems geared mainly to those who have already played the game and know its story which makes it harder to connect with someone watching this for the first time.
That being said, it is a visually beautiful story to watch and does make me interested in learning more about the game it is based on.